Aaah... Question tags... What a wonderful topic! ;-)
Just to remember what we've learnt in class, take a look at this very complete explanation if you have 8 minutes:
Question tags aren't so difficult to build, after all. We just have to focus on the auxiliary we have to use (or else in the verb be, have or modals) and also check if we should make an affirmative or a negative question tag, that's all. Here you can do some extra practice and here is another exercise.
The problem arises when getting to speak them out... Pronunciating questions tags with a rising or with a falling intonation varies the meaning of the sentence!
We've been practicing this issue in class and we've been trying to (another difficult task) incorporate question tags to our everyday discourse. Here you have a link to a nice exercise on how to pronounce questions tags correctly. I'm sure you'll enjoy it, won't you? ;-)