First postcards already here!
It's only November and we've already received two postcards, unbelievable! Thank you, Mariluz and Raquel for thinking of us while you were abroad!Mariluz went to meet her son in Copenhaguen and that's what she saw:
And Raquel, also from English 7, travelled all the way to Tokyo and came back to school a bit jet-lagged but happy to have visited an incredible and at the same time quiet city (that's what she told us!). Thanks, Raquel!
No, it wasn't the last one!
We went back to school on Wednesday this week and I was happily suprised by the postcards sent by some of the students during their summer holidays, thank you all so very much! Here you have the postcards received: from Russia with love (Pablo) and from Sicily and France (Fernando). It's great to learn you all had a great time this summer :-)
First (and last?) postcard this year
This year's first postcard arrived kind of late, but it was very welcome, José Manuel, so thanks a lot! I hope you've all had a great Easter break, and I also hope you all have sent many postcards from your whereabouts :-)Welcome to Our Postcards' Site!
Let's start this new school year with more postcards! Come on and hurry up - who's going to send the first one this year? :-)
More from English 1
Our friends from English 1 are now getting used to sending postcards and here we have two new ones: Zoilo travelled all the way to England and visitied the beautiful city of Cambridge. And José Luis visited another beautiful spot, this time in neighbour Cantabria. Thank you both for thinking of us! :-)
First postcard from English 1
Yes! Our classmates from English 1 also travel and Carmen sent us a beautiful picture of her last trip to Barcelona. Thanks, Carmen!
Our neighbour country
I enjoyed a wonderful weekend in Lisbon and thought about all of you there!
Nice weather and pintxos
Ana (English 5) spent a wonderful sunny (no joking, the weather was nice!) weekend in San Sebastián and she didn't forget about us :-)
The eternal city
Rocío spent a few days in beautiful Rome and didn't forget about us! It's only that she couldn't find a post office and she brought this postcard back with her. Thank you so very much, dear Rocío! :-)
Another freezing trip
This time it's been Belén - she visited Poland and told us it was freezing there! But the visit was really worthy:
And thanks Aida for all your scanning work! :-D
Carmen's Easter break
I enjoyed some days travelling south to León and then Salamanca and I didn't forget about you! :-)
In Salamanca I remembered this old saying I used to hear when I was a student there:
Javi keeps travelling cold...
And yes, it's been Javi again who has sent us a new postcard, this time from the Alps, where he enjoyed the snow!
Thanks Javi! Next time please write from a warm place! ;-)
First poscard of the year - from Iceland!
Yes! Our dear Javi (this year in English 5 already!) sent us this incredible picture from Iceland:
And that is what he wrote:
Thank you very much, Javi! And now: who's going to be the next one? You don't need to go to Iceland! ;-)
Hello everyone and welcome to your postcards' site!
Let's start this academic year 2012/2013 with some great postcards! Who wants to be the first one in sending a postcard to the class?
New Grandson in Seville
Amor (from English 2) travelled all the way to Seville to meet her new grandson Marco, but she didn't forget about us:
Thank you very much, Amor! And welcome to this world, Marco!
Second Postcard from Cuba!
Unbelievable! Two of you have already visited Cuba this year. This time Josefina (English 2) sent us this very original postcard, with beautiful old cars. She sent it to us in an envelope, which we've also scanned. Thank you very much for your scanning jobs, Carmen!
José (English 4) travelled to Bilbao and decided to send us not a typical Guggenheim/Ría postcard, but a very original and artistic one, look!
And that's what he wrote:
At least that's what Nacho confessed to have been doing in Porto ;-)
If you don't believe me, read this:
And this is what Aida did: she took Berlin and she sent this timeless postcard:
And she told us...:
Javi spent some snowy spring days in Moscow and sent us this colourful postcard :-)
Belén Work Barcelona
Yes, Belén had a problem-free journey to Barcelona and she sent us a postcard, telling us about it. Thanks, Belén! :-)
Marta was in Cuba!
We're assembling quite a nice collection of postcards from all around the world! We have now conquered the Americas thanks to Marta, who went all the way to Cuba to send us this:
Javi's trip to London
Unfortunately Javi's trip to London wasn't exactly successful, but he still found the time to send us a postcard. Thanks, Javi! :-)
Blanca in Europe's capital
Blanca went to Brussels to visit her grandson and she sent us two beautiful pictures, look!
Raquel (English 5) went all the way to Naples, look:
She couldn't send us the postcard, but she brought it to us and told us Naples is not only mafia :-)
Yes, we don't need to go abroad to send postcards! José Manuel (English 2C) sent us this beautiful picture from Luarca:
And he wrote:
Is that a frog?
Since we don't need to go international, I also wanted to send you a postcard from my last trip to Salamanca:
And I wrote:
Alicia's fashion tour
Yes, Alicia went on a fashion tour in Europe! ;-) She visited Paris and Milano, look!
This is what she had to say about Paris:
And here is her postcard from Milano:
And her impressions:
Aida went skiing!
And she sent us this freezing postcard from Formigal
And she also wrote something:
Carmen went to Italy
Yes, I travelled over to Bergamo and Milano to do some Christmas shopping ;-)
And I wrote:
Javi's relaxing holidays
Javi (English 4) spent some relaxing days off work in the Canary Islands and he didn't forget about us :-)
And here is what he had to say (sorry about the layout!):
Our first postcard in 2012!
And it's been Yolanda (English 2B) who has sent it... from Southafrica! What a great part of the world to spend Christmas! :-)
As promised last week, here you have the beautiful postcard that Ana (English 4) sent us from Bolivia. Thanks, Ana!
And that's what she wrote:
New Academic Year, New Postcards!
This site is our postcards' site and we'll be uploading here all the postcards you will be sending us this academic year. I hope there will be many of them! :-) We have already received one (Ana from English 4 sent it), which we will post here next week :-)
This year's last postcard
Tránsito (from English 6), who has been our scanning woman (together with Elena, from English 5) and also the student who has sent MOST postcards, is the one who is sending us our last postcard this year. And... not from a nearby place, but from... New York City!
And that's what she told us about her trip:
Now this is a MUST:
Ana's hometown in Argentina
Ana spent her holidays in her country Argentina, and this is a postcard from the city she comes from:
That's what she said:
A trip to Italy
Ángel spent his Easter holidays in Italy, where he didn't bump into Eva, who also visited the beautiful city of canals, Venice!
Following you have the three postcards he sent us from three beautiful cities: Florence, Siena and Venice. Molti grazie, Ángel!!! :-D
Ángel, did you know that one of those tourists was actually our Eva? :-)
Thank you, Eva, for sending us this beautiful postcard from the city of canals! What a pity you didn't meet Ángel there!
This is what she experienced there:
Elena, Ángel, Luarca
Elena gave us (couldn't send from there) another postcard from Luarca, proving Ángel that they do have postcards there ;-)
That's what she wrote:
But then Ángel sent us this really nice postcard from Luarca:
Our first postcard from France!
The funny thing about it is that he tells us where he finally got it! :-D Look and read what he says!!
Our first postcard from France!
Yes, surprisingly we still hadn't got a postcard from France! Now we do, Tránsito sent it to us:
Unfortunately the weather was awful there:
Marina didn't forget about us!
Sofía travelled all the way to London to visit her sister Marina and to bring us this very beautiful postcard!
And this is what Marina wrote:
Thank you very much for the postcard, Marina! (and thank you, Sofía, for bringing it to us!) We all miss you very much! We hope you are having a nice stay in London! Send us another postcard, please, and tell us how you are doing! :-
Tazones... yummy seafood!
Eva (English 5) enjoyed a very nice meal in Tazones and sent us this postcard:
And she wrote...
Gijón... not a bad place to be!
That's what Albita (English 6) says in her very original postcard from the Botanical Garden!
That's what she says, especially to Nacho and Claudia:
Thanks a lot for the postcard and the recommendation! :-)
It's Madrid again!
Here we have another postcard from Madrid:
Here we have another postcard from Madrid:
And that's what Carmen wrote on the back:
Mallorca... over the deepest ocean
Thank you, Albita, for this beautiful postcard of your trip "over the deepest see for your love to find" ;-)
That's what she wrote us:
Yes, there are postcards in Luarca ;-)
It wasn't Ángel the one who sent this one, but Elena. Ángel, you have promised to send one, don´t forget! ;-)
And this is what she wrote:
A new place for our web collection
Thank you, Elena (Inglés 6), for sending us a very original and beautiful postcard from your hometown, San Vicente de la Barquera!
Elena wrote:
Is Madrid in?
That's how it looks like, since we have received TWO newpostcards from Madrid! The first one was sent to us by Charo (Inglés 5), from El Prado Museum, and the second one by Tránsito (Inglés 6), from the Chamartín towers. Thanks to both of you! :-D
Charo's postcard:
She wrote:
Tránsito's postcard:
She wrote:
It's London again!
London seems to be the city of the year! Xável (Inglés 5) travelled to London and dind't forget about us:
This is what he wrote:
Thanks, Xável! You are the first person from your group who sends us a postcard! :-D
Carnival in Barcelona
Carmen went to Barcelona in Carnival and she thought of you there. Look!
And this is what she had to say:
It's freezing in Berlin!
Poor Claudia! She had to take her hands out of her gloves in order to buy and write this postcard for all of us. We appreciate it very much, Claudia! Thanks a lot!
Poor Claudia! She had to take her hands out of her gloves in order to buy and write this postcard for all of us. We appreciate it very much, Claudia! Thanks a lot!
It's a beautiful postcard, isn't it? This is what Claudia wrote (no stamp because she brought it herself instead of sending it!)
By the way, does any of you know the name of the soldier who jumps escaping from East Berlin as the Wall was being built?
And yes, Eva (from Inglés 5) answered the question: the name of this solder is Conrad Schumann. Well done, Eva! :-)
Madrid, Madrid, Madrid
Ángel (English 6 again!) was, as usual, in Madrid, and thought of us. He sent maybe the most original postcards so far - the clearest of all and the most confusing as well. Check them out!
Ángel (English 6 again!) was, as usual, in Madrid, and thought of us. He sent maybe the most original postcards so far - the clearest of all and the most confusing as well. Check them out!

And this is what he wrote (you won't find the stamp because he sent both postcards in an envelope):
And this is what I meant by the most confusing one... Look!

Thanks, Ángel!
Who could have thought of...?
Haha!! Albacete! And that's what Carmen wrote on the back side:
Tránsito, thanks again for scanning the postcards! :-)
Oxford calling!
Tránsito took a plane in December 2010, right in the middle of the air-traffic controllers' crisis, and managed to get to London and Oxford, from where she sent us all this very elegant postcard:
And this is what she told us on the back part:
Thanks, Tránsito, for the postcard! And thank you too for scanning the postcards :-)
First postcards!
First postcards!
The first postcards we have received came from the UK. Bea, our violinist from the group English 6, travelled to London and Manchester and this is what she saw:
And on the back part she wrote:
And then she took a train to Manchester and drank a bier in this very nice square:
This is what she wrote:
Thanks, Bea, for these two great postcards and for thinking of us while you were abroad! :-)
In this section we will be posting the beautiful postcards you are sending or you will be sending whenever you travel somewhere. Let's hope that by the end of the year we have a great collage of them, both here in the blog and in the classrooms :-D
Send us all a postcard!
In this section we will be posting the beautiful postcards you are sending or you will be sending whenever you travel somewhere. Let's hope that by the end of the year we have a great collage of them, both here in the blog and in the classrooms :-D
Let's start with a virtual postcard of our home, sweet home ;-)