Christmas stuff

Here you can watch The Snowman (click on the picture), an animated movie created after the book from Raymond Bricks. This short movie was first shown on British television (Channel 4) on Christmas Eve in 1982 and has been shown every year since then and become an important part of Christmas British popular culture. The film's song, 'Walking in the Air', was specially written for it and is as well one of the Christmas favourites ever. You can find more info about The Snowman here. Enjoy!

Here you can find the two Christmas-vocabulary-activation activities that we have done in class (rhymes here and crossword here). In class we have also been working with some not-so-typical Christmas carols and here you will find the handout we worked with in class. If you click in the song's title you will be directed to the video of the song. There's one that I consider to be the best Christmas song ever, and here you can watch the video and listen to it:

Merry Christmas and happy new year to all of you! See you back in class in January!

Merry dancing Christmas! ;-)

I wish you all very funny, merry, pantagruelian, familiar, friendly Christmas!

Click on the picture and join me in the dance floor!

Short stories

"When they opened the cadaver, they found a house. A couple argued inside. There was rhythm to their words, like the beating of a heart" (author: Barry Napier, title: Through Tiny Windows).

This is a 25-word story published in Hint Fiction, a book in which Robert Swartwood compiles a new anthology of 'small' fiction. This book is inspired by the six-word novel attributed to Ernest Hemingway: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn".

If you are interested, you can read more here. I have chosen a couple of very interesting ones:

After seventeen days she finally broke down and called him "Daddy." (From Joe Schreiber, titled Progress)

They buried him deep. Again. (From Joe R. Lansdale, titled The Return).

Broke and desperate, I kidnapped myself. Ransom notes were sent to interested parties. Later, I sent hair and fingernails, too. They insisted on an ear. (From Stuart Dybek, titled Ransom).

Nice song!

I just wanted to share with you this very nice song, with nice lyrics and very catchy! Enjoy!

Here we go!

Welcome everyone!
Esta es la primera entrada de este cuaderno de bitácora que se inaugura hoy para el curso 2010/2011.
En este blog me ocuparé tanto de actualizar los contenidos de las clases (desde lo último que hayamos dado hasta las fotocopias que haya entregado, pasando por pistas de audio, vídeos, consejos, etc.) como de informaros de cambios (horarios, aulas, avisos de cualquier tipo), fechas importantes o, simple y llanamente, compartir con vosotros reflexiones, artículos, informaciones o cualquier otra cosa que se nos vaya ocurriendo.

¡Ni que decir tiene que todos vuestros comentarios serán bienvenidos!