Just in case you didn't know...

Prince William is getting married... Have you heard about it? ;-)

I just wanted to share with you this very funny advert that Albita (English 6) sent me. Take a look and have a good laugh! Isn't it amazing how many royal lookalikes there are!?
If you are very interested in all the royal wedding stuff, go ahead and visit some of the following pages:

Easter bunnies? What's that!?

Easter, the English word for our Pascua, is the most important week of the Christian year. But... have you ever heard of Easter bunnies? Or chocolate Easter eggs? Do you know how British people celebrate Easter? What about the US? Well, here you have a couple of hints, I hope you find them interesting!
First you can start by listening to this BBC Learning English radio programme on Easter ceremonies to get acquainted with the vocabulary.
Then you can try to solve this Quiz. For a quick explanation on Easter bunnies, visit this page!
And to finish off you might want to take a look at this link, where you will find all kind of informations on Easter celebrations around the world!
Have a great time! See you back in class next week :-D

Irish Prank Call

Last week we were talking about prank calls, jokes and hoaxes on April Fool's Day. Well, Ángel (English 5) has just sent me this absolutely hilarious prank call made by a sweet little girl from Dublin in an Irish radio station playing a joke on a demolition company. It's really funny and you also have the chance of listening to some real top Irish accent. Enjoy!!! And thanks for sharing, Ángel!