And the Oscars went to...

The Academy Awards celebrated their big night (on its 84th ceremony) last Sunday in Los Angeles. The French silent movie The Artist, directed by Michel Hazanavicious, won best picture, best director and best actor (for Jean Dujardin). Meryl Streep won her third Oscar for her part of Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady. Scorsese's 3D movie Hugo won five awards! Here you can watch the trailer:

I recommend you to watch the acceptance speeches! And here you have the "must see" moments of the ceremony. To view the nominees and how they looked liked, click here; and here for the winners. And here you have  a complete news article by the BBC. Enjoy! :-)

Mardi Gras - the history

This week we are celebrating Carnival. There is much to say about this tradition, but I thought you might find interesting watching the following video on the history of New Orleans' world- famous Mardi Gras:

Let's go to the movies!

Este viernes se proyecta en inglés en la Casa de las Lenguas la película australiana Rabit Proof Fence. Será en el Club de las Lenguas a las 18:30. La proyección irá precedida de una presentación por parte de una compañera de la Casa y también tendrá lugar un coloquio posterior. See you at the movies! :-)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Cupid’s big day is here again, and Google is celebrating this February 14th holiday with an animated Doodle that I find quite nice. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!

Pronunciation practice

In the following link you can do some extra pronunciation practice on different topics:

Alumnos de Inglés 2: podéis practicar las partes del cuerpo que hemos estado viendo y también repasar tanto el vocabulario sobre the weather y cómo dar la hora.
For English students in level 4, you can revise the vocabulary on food (here and here), family and numbers.
For English 5 students, you can check the house vocabulary here and in all these other links: indoor, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and dining room

Charles Dickens's Bicentenary

Next Tuesday, February 7th, the world-famous British writer Charles Dickens is turning 200! His life was not an easy one but he left us literary masterpieces. Here you can watch a BBC animated cartoon film on his life:
If you want to find out more about Charles Dickens and his bicentenary, click on this link. And if you want to prove you are an expert on Mr. Dickens, try to solve this crossword. For clues, go to his other link.